Equine Health Education
for Hjo
Nolberga Veterinärpraktik
"Se aldrig på studier som en förpliktelse, utan snarare som en möjlighet att tränga in i den vackra och fantastiska världen av vetande" Albert Einstein

Hoof Balance
Myofascial lines & Performance
2 day course for Farriers
22-23 may 2021 Hjo, Sweden
Price: 4500 SEK ex moms
Registration: info@nolbergavet.se
In May this spring Dr Martina Neidhart and her husband Dennis Verdon, an excperienced and very skillful farrier, are coming to us in Hjo. They will together learn swedish farriers more about the importance of overall hoof balance and how it relates to the myofascial lines and body balance.
Martina is a wonderful and warm holistic veterinarian from Switzerland, with deep kowledge and experience from the fascial connections and restrictions in the horses bodies. She works with acupuncture and other alternative methods together with traditional veterinary medicine.
Dr Neidhart is, as I am, deeply passionate about the importance of hoof balance in relation to the overall balance in the horses body and the logic relationship that exists with the myofascial lines troughout the body.
Together with her skilled husband Martina will open your eyes to new, very important possibilities of cooperation among vets and farriers. Important possibilities to further develop preventive care for horses.

Dr Kerry Ridgway´s Acupuncture points with Dr Juliane Waas
2 day course for Veterinarians & Leg.fysiotherapists
13-14 aug 2021 Hjo, Sweden
Price: 5800 SEK ex moms
Registration: info@nolbergavet.se
Watch and learn when Juliane show you Kerry Ridgeways own acupuncture points in the practical parts. Experience how you can treat myofascial tension with these acunpuncture point found by Dr. Ridgeway. Take part of the latest research in the fields of fascia that turn magic into science.
Let the points and the needles be part of your practice to evaluate how you can use them. Explore what kind of information you can get by releasing myofascial tensions in your patients with this technique.
Information about the course directly from Juliane:
"In the year 2012 I had the once in a lifetime opportunity to shadow Kerry Ridgway, DVM in his equine practice in Aiken, South Carolina, for two weeks.
Kerry was an equine veterinarian with all his heart. Besides the “Ridgway Protocol” used in endurance rides for judging the fitness of the horse to continue the race, he developed a manual protocol for the diagnosis of gastro-intestinal ulcers and a set of Acupoints to very effectively release hypertension in specific muscle groups in horses.
Learning those points – their effects, how to find them and how to treat them – was the goal of my stay with Kerry. What I got was so much more: besides the points and their actions he generously shared as much of his knowledge with me as was possible in such a short time.
In this course I will be passing on a lot of the knowledge I obtained from Kerry. I have added up to date research about fascia, as it explains why and how many of the points Kerry found work. I will also teach his musculofascial release points. To make sure everyone is able to find the points by the end of the two day course I will help everyone individually to locate the points and develop a feel for where they are. Also one approach of palpation for muscles in hypertension will be in the practical part of the course.
You will walk away with a new tool in your toolbox to take hypertension from the horses you work on, making training easier for everyone (horse and rider) and handing you a piece for the puzzle of preventing degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system."